
Monday, November 3, 2014

Do you Instagram & #bpsewvember

Ok just a quick post, but are you on Instagram? Let me know below in the comments what your Instagram name is, so I can follow you and admire your beautiful photos!

I'm "soisewedthis" on Instagram, so come find me =)

I've had a personal Instagram account for awhile, and I do sometimes post sewing photos, but it's mostly photos of my dog, because she's just so adorable. So I finally started an account just for my blog, and it will be all sewing-related photos (although i can't promise a cute dog photo won't slip in occasionally, haha)

I'm starting this because...

This photo-a-day Instagram challenge is hosted by the lovely and hilarious Amanda of I'm a little late to the party, and I was originally just lurking everyone's photos, but decided I wanted to play along. Hoping I can keep up! 

Are you participating? And please do let me know your instagram name, whether you're playing or not =)  Happy Monday!


  1. Sure am! I love sewing-themed things!!! hahaha!

    sewcraftychemist on IG

  2. I'm on too. I'll admit I wasn't sure if I was up to this, but it's a lot of fun.

    lilysageandco on IG

    1. Found you on IG! I'm really loving looking at all the photos. Hope we can think of a picture to take each day!

  3. I'm amy_booksbobbins

    1. Followed you! Looking forward to seeing what you post for #bpsewvember :)

  4. Yippee! So glad you are taking part of this :D

  5. i wasn't going to haha.. but now im hooked


Thanks for reading! I welcome any advice, insights, witty remarks, snarky comebacks, commiserations or just a quick hello. I'd love to check out your blog as well, so let me know where you're posting. Happy sewing!